
Seeing Reflections With Apple Cider Vinegar #HeinzVinegar #Sponsored

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Heinz Vinegar. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and as a thank you for participating. Growing up I remember watching my Italian grandmother pour vinegar into a bowl of tuna, I cringed a bit as I watched. Of course curiosity won out and I took a taste. I figured the worst that would happen is I would spit Read More »»

Holiday Clean Up With Glad ForceFlex Bags

Glad ForceFlex Bags help me clean the mess this holiday season! One of my favorite things about the holidays is getting to spend time with friends and family. That favorite thing can turn into quite the mess. I try to save myself from washing more dishes, which means lots of paper plates, plastic cups, and plastic utensils at the end of the day. That, in turn, means my trash bag better be up for Read More »»

Clorox Toilet Wand Review & Giveaway ~ 3 Winners (10/26)

As a mom, I have had Clorox in my life well, since I was  child.  For washing clothes, getting stains out, disinfecting Clorox has been a staple in my household all my life.  I am here to share with you one of the products I love most from Clorox, the toilet wand. I am not very into bathroom cleaning...AT ALL.  I think the bathroom is disgusting and germy and normal toilet bowl brushes are Read More »»

Weekend Rewind: Cleaning, Mexican Food, and Sunburns

Here in the home of A Daily Dose we are moving with caution today. After a long weekend of garage cleaning out, Mexican food and a 3 hour trip to the local aquatic center we are a bit tender.It all started on Saturday. You see we have a teensy one car garage here and basically had a house full of things, stuffed like a sausage in there. It was bad. Picture a little something like this:Yes it Read More »»