
Seeing Reflections With Apple Cider Vinegar #HeinzVinegar #Sponsored

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Heinz Vinegar. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and as a thank you for participating. Growing up I remember watching my Italian grandmother pour vinegar into a bowl of tuna, I cringed a bit as I watched. Of course curiosity won out and I took a taste. I figured the worst that would happen is I would spit Read More »»

It’s Time To Can My Salsa And A Canning Kit Giveaway (WINNER ANNOUNCED)

I LOVE SALSA. I mean I could eat it for days on end and never get tired of it. In fact I have shared my "kick butt" salsa recipe before. The problem is when I make it, even when I half it makes A LOT. Which meant it it over a few days or it goes bad. Salsa going bad is a travesty. I mean look at this yumminess: We absolutely can't waste something that yummy looking, right??!! It's easy to get Read More »»