The PEEPS & COMPANY® products, information, and products features have been provided by PEEPS & COMPANY®. All opinions are always my honest thoughts and opinions! You all know I ADORE Peeps, I’ve shared a few posts here and here all about why they are ideal for holidays. Well, Easter is no exception and PEEPS make a great addition to your kids (or your) Easter Basket. We love to Read More »»
Create A Sweet Valentine’s Day Gift Basket With Peeps {Giveaway}
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and if you are like us you get sweet treats to give! We love giving our kids a Valentine's Day Gift Basket full of delicious candies for them to enjoy! This year, thanks to Peeps & Company we have a Valentine's gift basket to treat them with (if we don't eat all the goodies first). Valentine's Day Gift Basket Peeps and Company make it simple to Read More »»
Let Your Tastebuds Soar With NEW GODIVA Truffle Flights™ #truffletakeoff {Giveaway}
If you want to know how to bring a smile to my face in an instant, put some delicious chocolate in front of me. When I was asked if I would like to take part in a campaign that allowed me to sample a new product from GODIVA, I didn't hesitate. You see chocolate and I are pretty tight, there are very few chocolate concoctions I will pass up. This campaign promised to take my taste buds to new Read More »»
Life Is Divine With The New Skinny Cow Chocolate #SkinnyDivine
I LOVE chocolate? Chocolate can take me to a happy place as soon as I taste it. Well, only if it is good tasting chocolate. Two of my favorite holidays are very chocolate filled...Valentine's and Easter. I love to stock up on the stuff and sneak a bit here and there. Thanks to the NEW Skinny Cow Divine Filled Chocolate, I can have yummy anytime I want. Wait, did I just say Skinny Cow has yummy Read More »»
Halloween Party Day 3: Homemade Costumes {GIVEAWAY CLOSED}
What's Halloween without costumes right!!! Â I mean it's the one time of the year I can dress up as anything or anyone I want and not feel like a dummy or get the stares of what the heck is she doing. Â This year I will be donning everything 80's. Â Now this I would love to be able to do everyday but society hasn't caught up with my coolness yet so halloween it must be. Â For my 80's costume it's Read More »»