
Update on the Blog Vote Letter

I received an email today from the person and this is what was said: Regarding my message with the subject line “Will you please do me a favor?”… It was not my intent to do anything illegal.  My reason for phrasing things the way that I did was solely to be funny… in hopes that my being funny/silly would attract someone’s attention to come and vote for me.  My apologies to my Read More »»

Blogging Contest Bribery???

Well, sometimes it's best to use a little bit of sense when approaching a blogger with anything right?  We all know bloggers always keep a running list of what to post on their blog.  Well here is the latest scandal to come my way through the contest circuit. I was checking my email when I received an email titled "Will You please do me a favor?"  I didn't recognized the name or email address Read More »»