This man is truly the best man. I wanted to take a moment to just wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my husband AKA my sexy beast!! Technically, it was yesterday but we were busy doing all the birthday things. I surprised him with a birthday night out with some of our closest friends..and managed to actually surprise him. I am THE WORST at keeping surprises a secret! This man is now the same number Read More »»
My First Birthday Without You
Today is a day that I would usually wake up excited and ready to celebrate myself because it's my birthday. But today I woke up and had tears streaming down my face as I lay in bed, not wanting to be awake. Wishing I could just skip over this day because today is my first birthday without you Mom. For the last 40 years, I have woken up knowing you would likely be the first person to call me and Read More »»
Gearing Up For Independence Day Fun, What Are Your Plans? #CapriSunCrew #sp
Summer has been in full swing for us, for a few weeks now. We are counting down the days until our annual 4th of July get together. Every year we do an array of things and thanks to Capri Sun, we get to add a little extra fun into the mix. Because my mom was born on July 4th, we always celebrate her birthday. I love to make special treats like my... Patriotic Dirt Cups (recipe here) Or this Read More »»
Happy 9th Birthday Sweet Girl!
Nine years ago tonight, you decided you could not wait to get to the hospital and were born right on our doorstep. Life has been such an adventure with you ever since. You always amaze me with your will to succeed. Everything you put your mind to, you are able to make happen. You are strong willed, loving, beautiful, sweet, caring, sassy, and so much more. I am truly blessed God chose me to be Read More »»
It’s Official…I Have A Teenager!
You see that handsom dude that's standing to my right (when looking at the computer)? That's my oldest son and yesterday he turned THIRTEEN!!! Which means I am now the mom of a TEENAGER! Where in the world did time go to? It seems like just yesterday he was born and I was holding him in one arm, now he is entering into some of the most influential years of his life. I am so thankful that God Read More »»
33 Is The new 23 Right??!!!
I have to toot my own horn and say I don't look half bad for 33. I definitely don't feel 33, nor do I act it 90% of the time. Now what should I do to celebrate?? Read More »»