
Save With @eBay Daily #Deals On These Back-To-School Must Haves #SP

Just a few more weeks and school will be back in session, here is a list of my Back-to-school must haves for both parents and students. The best part is, eBay Daily Deals can help you save on so much of your back to school shopping! eBay Daily Deals Back-To-School Must Haves Google Asus. This tablet, found on eBay Daily Deals, is small and lightweight and great if you don't want to take a Read More »»

Give The Gift of Microsoft Tablets + $500 Walmart Gift Card Giveaway #WindowsHoliday #sp

The holidays are in full swing, which means you are likely shopping for gifts. In today's technology filled world, one of the favorite gifts to receive are tablets. They are great for staying connected on the go when you want to have something a little bigger than your phone! Thankfully Walmart has got you covered! With a full line of tablets, you can pretty much pick anything up to fit your Read More »»