They love to give me pages views because they are always commenting on my posts. Keep them coming I love you for them :). Even I don't visit and comment on the blogs I don't like because I don't want to up their stats that's blogging lesson 101. What am I talking about you ask my fellow readers...on my Summer camp post I had a lovely anonymous commenter and it read this: Anonymous has Read More »»
Dear Anonymous AKA Lazy Hypocrite ;)
To My Lovely Anonymous Friend from Florida who visited at 5:01 a.m. your time....I had this fun comment in my Elliott Lucca Giveaway today:"Wow, are you gonna make everything jump through a hoop of fire and walk over hot coals too? This is way too complicated. Remember KISS~ Keep It Simple Stupid"Really it did nothing but make me giggle, why you ask? Well you say to keep it simple and that the Read More »»
Dear Not Really Anonymous
from Crowley, LA. Oh how your comment made me giggle today. You had been visiting my vlog on doing a Love Dare for 2 days and then today you finally got brave enough to comment:"You seem so shallow, maybe you should read a newspaper and quit watching The Real Housewives et al"Okay well I don't know what et al is I am assuming it is supposed to be at all but Oh anonymous I am not to sure of your Read More »»
Threatened by Jesus and Dissed by Mary Magdalene, Eventful Weekend Here!
I was threatened by Jesus Christ and dissed by Mary Magdalene in the comments on my blog. But really how many can say they had Jesus and Mary (and maybe someday Joseph) comment on their blog. Here are the comments that are still in my comment moderation:*Click on it to see it full screen*The Jesus comment was on my Anonymous Commentors Love Me post and the Mary comment was on Quotable Sunday. Read More »»