
Happy New Year!!! Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!!

Happy New Year from A Daily Dose of Toni! 2012 was a year of ups and downs but it was a year that I grew.   Here are a few things that stood out, for me, in  2012: I learned what Pinterest Is Really Good For! I made it through life's storms. My daughter tried to talk me into doing her homework. I chaperoned a middle school dance and was never going to be the same again...OH MY Read More »»

Christy Nockels “Into The Glorious” Releases Today (4/3/2012)

I have some wonderful characteristics, some that I am proud to have be a part of who I am. Unfortunately more often than not, in the past, waiting (or patience) was not a strong suit for me. Funny how God can change that in a life situation. Growing up I was a christian and I had faith but how strong was that faith? Looking back I realized just how little faith and patience I had. My how that Read More »»

In 2012 Possible Is All I Need!

Every year so many people make resolutions. Even I was one of those people, until I realized what a dirty, nasty word resolution is. Resolution according to one of the meanings on Dictionary.Com is "a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something." Essentially saying you are going to do something for the whole year. More often than not I, personally, would tend to carry out a Read More »»

Out with 2011! 2012, Here I Come!

As the year winds down I have sat and reflected over just how much of a whirlwind this year has been. It's been up and down, tears and laughter, hard times and times that were somewhat easier. Read More »»