
Starring Me: Pants On The Ground

Well I was bored and I know you all love seeing my crazy videos AND I heart General Larry Platt. So here I am tearing it up…or embarrassing myself without really caring. Come on and get your Pants on The Ground!

Now get your dance on, I might be a bit down today but that’s no reason for you to be. Maybe just maybe you will get a smile on your face after seeing this, either that or it will remind you that I am a little on the crazy side. Either way have a great day 🙂

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Thanks for the laughs!! I’m gonna have to show this to my hubby.
    .-= shelly´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Peekaboo! =-.

    • 2

      I knew I would be famous someday, if I knew it was going to be by making a fool of myself I would have started long ago LOL

  2. 3

    Hey Toni, I just recently started following you on Twitter, and admittadly this is the first comment I’m posting, but I had to say this brought a smile to my face and was a good laugh. There’s a foot of snow outside my office today, so I will keep your dance in mind as I head out with shovel in hand to find my car. Thanks!

  3. 5

    Right On Mama!
    .-= BoobiesNBabies´s last blog ..UpCycle Old Crayons =-.

  4. 7

    Thanks for the smile, I needed that today.
    .-= Sara Broers´s last blog ..Isn’t this Cupcake purse the cutest thing you have ever seen? =-.

  5. 9

    You are TOOOOOO much! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, I’m wondering.. do you tape yourself? Cause I just couldnt pull the whole 1:57 off with my husband recording!

    • 10

      LOL yes I tape myself though I did have to have my husband tape me when my son and I did soldier boy LOL

  6. 11

    haha toni you make me laugh… I’ll have to show this to mom

  7. 13

    Oh Toni, you so crazy girrrrl!
    .-= DiPaola Momma´s last blog ..FAB .. FEMS =-.

  8. 15

    LOL my boys were dancing and my daughter said you cheated cause you were still wearing jeans lol
    .-= Night Owl mama´s last blog ..Kalahari WIsconsin Dells: A Family Vacation Part 2 =-.

  9. 17

    OMG I am LMAO! Thank you! Its 2:28 am and I am up b/c Gavin’s been throwing up all night…I SO needed this! you’re a nut….that’s why I love you!
    .-= Jennifer @ J. Leigh Designz´s last blog ..Snow Day & Making Cupcakes in Ice Cream Cones {Recipe} =-.

  10. 18

    Go white girl! Go white girl! Go white girl! LOL That was very….um…brave. 😉 LOL
    .-= Run DMT´s last blog ..What’s in a Name? =-.

  11. 19

    Girl, you’re crazy!! You own that song!!

  12. 20

    Okay, it’s official. We have to do our long anticipated duet. But now we can put on a music video as well. This could be fun if we can ramp this back up! 🙂 Nice video but do you often walk around with two pairs of pants on?
    .-= Greg – Telling Dad´s last blog ..IKEA Survival Guide =-.

  13. 21
    Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom

    LOL that was very, very cool! I think you and Greg definitely need to put something together – that would be awesome.

    You crack me up – your poor son LOL.

    Thanks for the laugh!
    .-= Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom´s last blog ..I Would Love to Make These Signs! =-.
