
PayPal Here, Why It ROCKS!

That little device right there, the one you see above, has made a HUGE difference in my life.  It’s the PayPal Here app and credit card reader.  As a blogger there are times I get a pre-paid gift card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) as part of a campaign.  Whether that’s how payment is made or it’s a small gift card to use to grab supplies needed for some posts they come here and there.  I used to have to keep up with the amounts on the gift cards which could get quite annoying if there was only .17 left on one…and yes I used every cent.  Thanks to PayPal Here there is no more keeping up of gift cards.

What is PayPal Here?  Glad you asked…

PayPal Here is a way you can add all those random gift cards to your PayPal account so there is no more keeping track of them.  The little device above plugs into your iPhone or Android phone and with the PayPal Here app the magic begins.  For instance, I had a $25.00 American Express gift card so I went in and made a new “sale” for $25.00, swiped the car, signed and voila…the money went straight to my PayPal account.  It’s so much easier for me to do it that way and use my PayPal debit card instead of carrying around lots of gift cards.  The funds are instantly added to my account and I can get rid of the gift cards.

There is a small 2.7% fee for card swipes (a bit more for entering payments in other ways), but to me it’s worth it.  It’s so easy to do, check out the simple steps…

Step 1: Log in to the PayPal Here app (same as your PayPal login)
Step 2: Enter amount and tap charge.
Step 3: Pick how the customer (or you if you are using it for yourself) wants to pay. You have PayPal, Cash, Check, Card, or Invoice.
Step 4: Swipe card (you can also choose to scan it in or manually enter the information)
Step 5: Allow customer to sign signature screen, then hit complete purchase.
Step 6: Choose your receipt option: Send to E-mail, Mobile, or No Thanks.
Finally you will see a summary of time, date, amount, and location of “sale”.

I LOVE using this because even though they do charge the fee I also get 1% cash back when I use my PayPal debit card so really it’s like I am only paying 1.7% and I will gladly do so for the convenience. There are other things out there like this of course but according to this chart PayPal here reigns supreme for the time being:


This is definitely a much needed added addition to my blogging life.  In fact it really came in handy when I went to Brandcation and 4 other girls went in with me on renting a card, all I had to do was type in the amount, scan the card they wanted to use, and after they signed the money was right back in my PayPal.

I’m telling you whether you are a blogger who gets paid in gift cards, if you get gift cards for holidays, or if you are a business owner who needs an easy way to take payments you want to check out PayPal Here.  It’s definitely made my life easier and a little more organized since I don’t have to carry around all those gift cards…..and that is exactly why it rocks!!!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Wow, this is so cool! I’m going to look into it…it would be great to use at events like my high school reunion that I usually plan! Thanks!

  2. 2

    I always use my cash giftcards to get amazon giftcards, that’s basically as good as cash to me. I hate how on paypal I can only transfer $500/month to my bank account without being penalized. This could be good for someone who had a small business or does a lot of yard or craft sales though.

  3. 3

    I had no idea about this!! Thank you for sharing, I am going to look into this right now. Have you tried the check feature yet? I’d be curious to hear how that works.

  4. 4
    Shop with Me Mama

    AWESOME! I have been needing something like this so bad as I have tons of gift cards with weird balances! Now I can put them all in one place, Paypal!! Yay 🙂 Off to get mine 🙂

  5. 5

    I usually use Square, but it looks like Paypal here has so many more features. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 6

    I LOVE the idea of turning gift cards into Paypal cash. I totally want this JUST for that reason alone!

  7. 7

    I’m looking into this as I type!

  8. 8

    I need this in my life!

  9. 9

    It’s great but unlike square, your not protected against any chargebacks or disputes. So, you have to be 100% sure you know the card owner. 1 simple chargeback and they take the money out of your account without a question. I’ve been using this for a while (I am part of their beta team) and I will stick to square for now, until they offer better protection.

    • 10

      Great point Mike. I think that’s a good thing to know for people who use it for business, for me (at the moment) it doesn’t matter since I am the one adding the gift cards in LOL. But if I were taking payments that would definitely be something to keep in mind.

  10. 11

    I NEED this 🙂

  11. 12

    How cool! I want this too!

  12. 13

    I have never thought of doing that!! I’m going to look into it now!! Great idea!!

  13. 14

    There is really no end to what can be done with a smart phone.

  14. 15

    So it puts the cash in your account? Is this only for Mastercard and Visa? Neat idea

    • 16

      No as far as I know it accepts any card…the only one I haven’t tried personally is discover.

  15. 17

    Ok, NEED. Where can I sign up?!

  16. 18

    great device I love paypal I’ll have to look in to this although I hate that they charge fees it just doesn’t seem right.

  17. 19

    I have had Paypal since they started and had no idea about this. I am going to have to get one.

  18. 20

    This is so cool!

  19. 21

    That’s really cool! Thanks for sharing.

  20. 22

    This is nice and never thought to use it like that. Thanks.

  21. 23

    Brilliant! Thanks for sharing 🙂
