
Okay I know some of you kindly added my button

while I was “under construction” and I will gladly return the favor, please leave a comment in this post letting me know you added me so I can head to your house and grab your button! And if you dont’ have my button yet, take it and show me some love and let me know you did and I will do the same for you if you have one! I got rid of my links list because I added my google reader so all the blogs that I read will show up there! I had too much going on LOL.

Now for a story, my lovely husband whom we shall call Brent has been working like a madman to finish his project for school (he will be done with school this Tuesday) well that means meeting into the wee hours with his team members.

*Hmm well I guess this could be a ploy to sneak off with his mistress*

So that means little sleep for him, well today being the wonderful wife that I am I went to get him Arby’s for lunch so he wouldn’t have to make anything to eat (well that and I could use that as an excuse for why I didn’t do much around here, we won’t tell him that time was spent on the computer and it didn’t really take long). So he is standing there looking in our pantry for something sweet when I just get the urge to let him know he is super sexy. So the conversation goes…
“Hey Honey”
“What Bella?”
“You are…wait…did you just call me Bella”
“Him turning red and laughing, see I told you I was tired, but what did you need”
“Well I was fixing to tell you just how sexy I find you but since you just called me our daughters name, that seems wrong”

LOL well at least it wasn’t his mistresses name right!

*Disclaimer, he does not have a mistress, I am not being serious about that just in case any of you start to freak out. Well unless you count when I get in my dominatrix gear and pretend to be the new S&M Barbie, kidding about that too!*


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Hey Lady! I added your button about a week or so ago. I used the blog you recommended on MomDot to get a button made for me! Nice work!

  2. 2

    Hey girl! I am headed over to grab yours, thanks for being patient!

  3. 3

    I added your new button!

  4. 4

    Thanks b! I have yours already!

  5. 5

    I already have your button but you inspired me to create my own. I hope you stop by and grab one! Oh yeah, i’m so excited for momdot too!!

  6. 6

    Yeah Blondie thanks! Headed over to grab yours now!
