Post this on my facebook….
So What?? Â We all have differing views. Â I don’t dislike Obama, I just don’t like his policies and this HCR is going to end up badly in my personal opinion. But that is all I will say about that. Â I am getting lots of responses on the picture of course LOL, quite fun to keep up with but man I get worn our just reading them LOL. Â So if you want to join in the fun go on over and share your comment on the picture, my facebook is always open for debate well until someone is taking it to far anyways. Â And what better time for a debate than right after the vote on the HCR.
And for those of you who get annoyed at my political views do you ever sit to think maybe just maybe I get annoyed at yours too. Â We can have differing views and still be civil and friends. Â Trust me, my political opposite Mimi & Aggie are two very good friends. Â We just know to keep personal attacks out of the debate and to let it go at a certain point, now if only everyone were so mature. Â Tee hee.
Toni Patton
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I love ya sweetie and I agree with you!
Now have a great day-and week, OK?
You do the same yourself 🙂
Good for you Toni! I am so with you there.
.-= Deborah´s last blog ..ALL CLEAR: FeedMedic Alert for blogspot/aaJA =-.
Thanks 🙂
haha, great pic!
I am so starting to feel that way.
I consider myself an Independent.
Well things about it just don’t rub me the right way and give me the icky feeling. So one can hope they are wrong but I am afraid I won’t be
🙂 The Health Care plan scares me too!
I knew I wasn’t the only one 🙂
ok. This will be short since I’m commenting b PalmPre. …. Ready for it? I LOVE this picture! Uhhhhh… I spit out the piece of orange I was eating. You. You girlly just made my day!
.-= Sara@MommaFindings´s last blog ..Is Our Connection Ultimately Disconnecting Us from Society? =-.
Glad I could make your day friend 🙂
Love it! I don’t know if you watch or listen to G.Beck, but as he said yesterday..”Game on!”. I’m afraid we’re in for a real mess, not only with our healthcare. The cost of this is going to mean more jobs lost, more debt for the country, and a mess of an economy for years.
.-= Some Lucky Dog´s last blog ..Win a Bounce House at J Leigh Designz! =-.
And I have to say I agree with the man!!
LOL! I love it! I feel the same way, and I’m not too happy about this bill. I also have political opposite dear friends who jump at any chance to agrue…so I keep politics to random facebook statuses and twitter updates, lol!
.-= Christy´s last blog ..Not me post I should’ve done last week =-.
Yeah I don’t usually bring the posts to my blog but I couldn’t help it.
As a Christian and the abortion stuff not being taken out of the HCR before the vote, that really bothers me. You know the part in the Bible about where it would be better to have a Millstone hung around your neck then hurt one of the little ones. So, I think God will be pretty upset with the USA now. I think the USA will be punished for this in some way by God. Whether it be through higher taxes for all, or in some other way, like more earthquakes or whatever.
I just think the Government should stay out of private businesses, and I personally think the health care industry is a private business. I know others don’t agree with me. I bet bunches of Doctors who can afford too, will be retiring now, because I know some who said they aren’t going to be working for peanut pay.
I do agree that the Govt should stay out of the health care industry as well and all the other private matters like you said. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I love it! As a Canadian, I should stay quiet. 🙂 You must remember that is was Reagan and the Bush boys that got your fine country into the spending mess. I am a Conservative also, but a fact is a fact.
Oops…I thought i was going to stay quiet! Good Post Toni!
LOL thanks for sharing your opinion Shane. I loved both Bush boys 🙂 This president is spending his fare share though we are seeing that. I will come live your way if I leave my country sound good ???
I am happy the health care bill passed. I’m 31, and when I was 29 I was diagnosed with a chronic disease. I had health care coverage through my employer at the time, and I was able to manage my illness with treatment and medication. That all changed when I was laid off. I lost my insurance, and with the loss of my salary we couldn’t even afford cobra. In January my husband and I went through bankruptcy due to all the medical debt we racked up after I lost my job and we lost our house. This bill is to late to fix my situation, but it will hopefully help others in the future from going through what I have had to. If the bill had been in place, due to our financial situation we would have had subsidies that would have helped us take care of my medical costs through this rough patch, and I wouldn’t have had to loose everything. This is America, not a third world country, a persons life shouldn’t be destroyed just because they get sick.
My mom had cancer and tons of medical bill but is not a supporter of this bill, so she is opposite how you feel with a similar situation, different diagnosis obviously.
At least you didn’t touch on anything too controversial. I think it’s nutty to think that God will punish the population for the votes of its elected leaders but everyone is certainly welcome to their opinion. I suppose if people are deathly afraid of America’s future they can always go bunk with Calgarydaddy. 🙂 You have room, right?
.-= Greg – Telling Dad´s last blog ..Healthcare Bill – Let’s Agree to Disagree…A LOT! =-.
LOL Greg. I just think (and this is only my opinion you will still love me yes LOL), this bill is not going to benefit our country.
I LOVE THIS PIC!!!! I have my own opinions about Obama 🙄 but Ill just leave it at “Love the pic and I emailed it on!”
LOL glad you sent it on, I am proud to display it. See I knew I loved you for a reason, politically we seem to be soul sisters 🙂
“Vomit!” Don’t miss him but not all that happy with today either..
LOL at least you are honest though, love you for it.
I’m with you and we need to stop this. To me, it’s much more than healthcare. It’s the stifling of our rights little by little until now people are just saying enough is enough. My husband is self-employed and health insurance is very costly. Even though this health care bill should look attractive to us, it’s not. If I choose to be a paying customer for my medical care, that should be my right. I don’t want to be fined for choosing NOT to have healthcare coverage. And I certainly don’t want to have to pay for the health coverage of people that aren’t even citizens! And also my question is, since I am questioning the wisdom of what has just been done, why am I considered ‘Un-American, a vigilante, an anarchist and a hater? I think a lot of Americans are willing to fight for the freedoms that were given to them in the Constitution and were won with blood on the battlefield. Why is that un-American? I think it’s more American than those who are complacent and willing to let these things go for the sake of a ‘perceived’ handout!
He plans to have all Americans implanted with a chip…..
So are you going to have a micro-chip implanted in you for the gov’t to control? Check it out on page 1000-1008 “National Medical Device Registry”.