
Merry Christmas: A few thoughts on Christmas DAy

On Christmas Day I reflect on friendships gained and some lost and realize that tis the season to be joyful. We should be thankful for what we have and not focus on what we have lost. If there is something or someone you no longer have in your life, don’t dwell on that but realize that there is a reason for that. They were there for a season and that is what it was meant to be. Yes it hurts to lose friendships but rather than focus on losing a friend why not focus on the fun times or the enjoyable moments you had.

Not all friendships last forever and that is something we all should be very aware of. We will all experience pain and loss but through the pain and loss we get character for without trials we can never grow and without friends (current or past) we would be lonely.

Some friends are for a lifetime and some just for a season but every friend you have or had was there for a reason even if we can’t always remember why. If you search long and hard you will always find an answer as to why you have the friends you do and why you had the friends you did.

Enjoy this holiday and be thankful for whatever life has brought you for through it all you have become the person you are and that is a lot to be grateful for.

Now a little holiday song from my daughter to you that is sure to get your Christmas Day off to a fun start:


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


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    Merry Christmas Toni!

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    what a cutie…thanks for not only the song and dance from your daughter BUT also for your beautiful thoughts on friendship. After a lot of hard deliberation, I had to make a really hard decision to let a friend go. It was a very one sided friendship (and I decided that friends shouldn’t make you cry or make you feel bad all the time.) It was a very hard choice to make but I have other people in my life (and the way I feel is that God puts people in our life for a reason–and as you say–for a season).

    Thank you for saying it much more eloquently than I could.

    Merry Christmas and may all who read this have a HAPPY and HEALTHY New Year.

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    Stacy's Random Thoughts

    Merry Christmas, Toni! Your daughter is adorable, of course! 😉

    Very good points about friendship – I can totally 100% relate!

    Have a Wonderful Christmas!

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    LOL That was great. I hope you have had a great day, Toni.

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    Merry Christmas Toni!

    I agree I am so thankful for the friendships I have gained, and while I have lost the gain means that much more!

    Friends are so very important keep the true ones close! I hope all is well with your family and your mommy! love ya!

  6. 6

    Well said!

    I hope you had a great day…and here’s to a wonderful rest of the year!!

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    Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your family! It is a perfect day to reflect on friendships and be grateful for all you have.

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    What a cutie she is! Merry Christmas!

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    Lilith Silvermane

    Merry Christmas Toni! Thank you so much for everything and I didn’t realize you had a scare with a lump as well. Hrm… I must have missed that.

    Your daughter is adorable, your singing was funny, and I hope that the new year will help you move past the… issues of the friendships that have left, and continue on with new ones!

    Have a wonderful few days of 2008!!

    Warm Blessings.

  10. 10

    Happy Holidays!
    Hope your day was grand 🙂
