As I sat reading my Bible and praying, God really began to lay on my heart a post to share. A post about making it through the storms, valley’s, hard times, or whatever you want to call them. As you recall at the end of 2010 and part of 2011, literally after we bought a house, my husband (or sole income provider) lost his job. That was such a scary time for use, probably one of the deepest valley’s I have ever had to walk through.
Life is going to bring you to valleys that are so deep you are wonder if you are going to make it to the top of that mountain you are trying to get to. Storms are going to come that are so forceful, you wonder if you will make it though unharmed. Hard times will be there and make you question your own strength and ability to go on. You will have tests, trials and tough times, but you WILL make it through.
We aren’t promised an easy road but making it through the hard times in our lives lets us look back and see the reason we had to go through that. I know it has for me. During the storms of my life I didn’t understand one bit of why I was going through what I was going through, but when I made it out I was a new and stronger person. I am by no means a pillar of strength but I am stronger in areas than before.
God wants us to take refuge in Him during the storms of life. He wants us to let Him be our safe place when the world around us is chaotic. He wants us to trust in Him when we don’t know what is going on. More often than not for me it’s because He was taking me to a new level in my faith. It would be so easy to be content but if your faith isn’t growing how can you be ready for all the blessings beyond what you could ask or think?
I really just want to encourage you today, if you are going through a valley (trial, storm, etc) to trust God to lead you through it. Sometimes going through the hardest times shapes us for what blessing is waiting. The valley’s lead to the mountaintops, the storms don’t last forever, hard times will end, but you have to remember the strength you have and let what you are going through build your faith to a new level. Don’t give up but push through, you are strong, you will make it through and your faith will be that much stronger because of it.
Are you going through something today that you just can’t imagine making it through? You will and I will be praying for you, because you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Toni Patton
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He is our refuge in times of trouble. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you . I really needed to read that today.
Thanks for sharing. I totally needed that today.
God has gotten me through so many things lately, I can’t do any of this without him. Thanks for reminding me of that today.
It’s when I let go and put it in his hands that I start to feel relief. I don’t know what I would do without God.
Very beautiful and well written!
Thank you for that encouraging post, I was talking to God about feeling like a roller coaster. And then I read this…. I guess HIS letting me know that in this life, I will be going through trials and tribulations but HE is with me ALWAYS! Thank you Jesus. Thank you Toni.
We have a lot of ups and downs in my family. The one thing that gets me through it is my family and my faith.
Thank you for posting this. God will never give us more than we can bear. If it weren’t for the bad/tough times, we wouldn’t appreciate the good/easy times.
This is very lovely 🙂
Beautiful, thank you for sharing! Reminds me of Casting Crowns song Praise you in this storm.