
Let’s talk about what a cool mom I am.

Before I start I must tell you all I am totally sinning right now…I went to Sam’s and got some groceries meats and fish and shrimp and then went to get chips and 2 bit brownies in my son’s lunch and when I was walking out of the bakery it caught my eye and fruit tart pie with blueberries and strawberries so I grabbed it up and then went to get some raspberries to put on it too and I am eating a piece now and it is absolute heaven I must never go to Sam’s again b/c if I do I will walk out of there each time with one of these, I highly suggest everyone trying it!! In fact I will post a picture of it for this weeks wordless wednesday! Here’s to the 12,000 calories I am consuming in the one piece!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program about what a cool mom I am:

So as many of you have heard me rambling on about…I am going to see New Kids on The Block (can you tell I am excited) on October 19 and my oldest son is going with me. Well the concert is on a Sunday so we planned just to get up super early that day and drive to our hotel rest and get cleaned up, go to the concert, sleep and come home the next day. Now while that is all fine and dandy because I am getting to see New Kids on The Block, I thought I would be the uber cool mom and do something even better.

So I decided I am going to leave a day early with my son and use the excuse that I want to make sure I know my way around so we don’t get lost (let’s hope he forgets that is what a GPS is for). Then I am going to drive to Six Flags over Texas and surprise him and do that all day Saturday! I can’t wait to see the look on his face.

Then as if that isn’t cool enough we will stay the night and then get up the next morning and go to Ripley’s Believe it or Not, Tussuad’s Wax Museum and a 2,000 square foot house of mirrors. Now you tell me I am not the most awesome mom ever for this!

I think I am as excited as he would be if he knew right now, I am like counting down the days until we leave! Now I just have to convince hubby to let me take the laptop so I can blog from the hotel…wish me luck with that.

Now for you, what is something your mom did that was super cool that you remember or something super cool you have done for your kids?


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    New Kids AND Six Flags??? Take me? Please!

  2. 2

    You should get the cool mom of the year award! Wait, does this count as cool mom status: I planned our trip to Disney this February around my six year-old’s birthday. It didn’t hurt that it was off-season and cheaper! We got to see the shuttle launch, go to Sea World, Holy Land Experience, and even have breakfast and dinner with the Princesses. How cool is that!?!

    I hope you guys have a great time. And take the laptop, you totally need to blog the whole experience!

  3. 3

    You are definitely a cool mom, and I wish I was going to see NKOTB!
    My mom never gave us a curfew, which everyone considered so cool. She didn’t need to, all my friends had curfews, so what else could I do but go home! HA!

  4. 4

    That sounds like so much fun!

    We’re taking our kids to Disneyland next month for the first time, I’ve never been either, so I can’t wait!

  5. 5

    you go cool mom!!! have tons of fun and enjoy the bonding time with your child!! 🙂

  6. 6

    Sounds FAB-U-LOUS! Have a great time!

    My mom would always go to concerts with us. And we’d have slumber parties and she’d stay up and play games and we always had a blast!

    You’ll never regret all these times with your kids!

    Daja, visiting from BPOTW

  7. 7

    My mom let us have coke on Friday nights, I thought that was cool!
