
Let Me Share Some Things With You…About Myself!

I am a pretty open book here on my blog. Sure there are some topics I try not to touch but I love sharing my life with you. Today I thought I would share some things about myself with you. Quirky things, habits, daily doings, you get my drift. So here’s a little bit more about me that you may not (or maybe you do) know.

  • My faith gets me through so much.  I am vocal about being a christian (not to the point of being obnoxious) and my faith and trust in God is all that has gotten me through some of the hardest situations life has brought me or I brought on myself.
  • Insects…I.CAN’T.STAND.THEM.  Yes I sure do run like a little girl from insects.  I know some of them won’t hurt me but they all gross me out even flies…blech.
  • I love fresh or frozen green beans but the canned green beans make me gag.  Do  not like them at all, there is something about the taste and texture of a canned  green bean that just is not happening for me.
  • I took dance for 15 years so pretty much on a daily basis you will find me dancing around my house to some song or another.
  • I don’t think there is ever or will ever be another era in music equal to the 80’s (and maybe some of the early 90’s).  I love all the hair bands from back in the day.
  • You may have often catch me lip syncing Bon Jovi , rapping to Kris Kross, or even decked out in 80’s gear to “I Love Rock N Roll”. I’ve never claimed to embarrass easily and quite often I video myself, because if you can’t laugh at yourself who can you laugh at!
  • I LOVE THE BEACH.  I grew up in florida and aside from living out of the state for a few years, I have lived here my whole life.  I was raised on the sunny beaches and still love to go there now.   That being said I am not a fan of salt water.  I will get out there in it but I don’t like how dry and salty your skin feels after.  On the plus side it totally clears up your complexion.
  • I am 1/2 Italian.  Most people can’t tell by looking because until Spring/Summer when I tan, I don’t really look it.   I love Italian food and my grandma’s home-made pasta sauce is my favorite to make.
  • Baths are almost a ritual to me.  I have one of those nice big garden tubs and very few things relax me as much as a hot bath and a book.  I could sit there for hours and sometimes end up in it until the water gets cool.
  • I am very critical of my body.  I find and point out every flaw and I know that is not healthy.  It’s a struggle for me and I am doing better but I often wonder if I will ever be able to completely love my body or if there will always be just this one little thing.
  • I am loyal to a fault.  I stick by friends and family through almost anything, which is not always good.  I have let myself get walked over and taken advantage of but I wouldn’t change who I am despite those times.  I trust easily but once trust is lost it’s hard for me to put it in you again.
  • I was lucky, I mean very lucky to not end up like one of the girls on 16 and pregnant.  I was much too young, was not careful at all, and looked for love in all the wrong ways.   That is why I am very persistent in making sure my daughter knows her worth.  I want her to value herself to such an extent she doesn’t need justification through boys to feel good about herself.  The lessons I learned definitely help me to teach my children and others so for that reason I am glad I went through things.
  • I am a reality tv junkie.  I love most of those “reality” shows..of course I know most are very scripted but they make me giggle.
  • Sushi, Italian, Thai, Mexican, Asian….I love ethnic foods.  Well I love food in general and that is a problem since my metabolism shot to crap when I hit 32.  I guess that means I officially have to make working out a habit now.
  • I want another baby.  I just knew I was through after our Bella, but now I am having these baby cravings to an extent I don’t think it’s a phase.  Hubby can’t have more kids so it’s not in the cards naturally which makes me sad but there is always adoption.  We can’t make that an option right now but years down the road if this isn’t just a phase it’s something I seriously want to look into.
  • I love fashion.  I don’t get to don fashion too often but I love to look and gaze at the fashions I will wear one day.  I want a pair of Christian Louboutins before I die…just sayin’
  • I could watch Dirty Dancing, Center Stage, Footloose, Harry Potter (all), Twilight (all)…over and over and never tire of them.
So those are a few random facts about yours truly here.  Did you read anything that surprised you?  What about you, I would love to know something about you that I may not know!
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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    We have a LOT in common Toni! Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. You should consider doing a 30 day blog challenge to share a bit each day!

  2. 2

    and you are so much fun to be around

  3. 3

    You seem like such a fun person! We have quite a bit in common as well. 🙂

  4. 4

    I am ALL about reality tv too. It’s just so mindless and fun, but seriously? Why did Ben pick Courtney?

    Dirty Dancing is one of the movies I can watch over and over too. I also like Footloose but not the new one.

  5. 5

    I love reality tv too. Housewives of OC is my favorite. lol

  6. 6

    After reading this – I thin would get a long very well! And FYI I too want a pair of Christian Louboutins before I die! Thanks for sharing this!

  7. 7

    I love the beach too! I can’t wait to meet you on the beach!

  8. 8

    Love it, I am usually the quiet one in the bunch.

  9. 9

    I am a huge fan of ethnic foods as well and I feel the same way about canned peas as you do about canned green beans. Gag!

  10. 10

    First, what are “Christian Louboutins”? Shoes? People kid women about how expensive their shoes are, but men are no better. I buy Tony Lama cowboy boots, starting at $200 a pair.

    I am not a big fan of salt water, either. Diving off the coast guard pier or Lover’s Point in Monterey, CA I have to take a shower immediately after I get out. Then drink something to get the salty taste out of my mouth…

  11. 11

    I love the beach, too. My teenage years were spent on the FL beaches.

  12. 12

    You must be really good at dancing. 😉

  13. 13

    I absolutely could watch “Dirty Dancing” over and over, and over and over again! 🙂 And, I would love to live on or near the beach.

  14. 14

    WE have a lot in common!! Love Bon Jovi, Dirty Dancing!!

  15. 15

    we have so much in common. you sound so down to earth.

    ps. if it’s meant to be for you to have more children that opportunity will pop up when you least expect it. sometimes things just fall into place. hugs

  16. 16

    We seem to have a lot of similarities. It’s great to get to “know” you!

  17. 17

    I love Dirty Dancing too…and I read Harry Potter over and over.

  18. 18

    I’m a reality tv junkie too!

  19. 19

    Great post Toni! I love green peas too! I’ll even eat them a little frozen out of the bag.

  20. 20

    Well, you sound like a really cool person! I admire your faith in God. He has definitely gotten me through trials and tribulations. Also, I despise insects as well. 🙂

  21. 21

    I can totally watch movies and not tire of them. Hubby thinks I’m crazy.. lol
