This post was sponsored by the National 4-H Council as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
With the holidays right around the corner, time spent in the kitchen goes up in our house. But even more than that is my daughter loves to get in on the action. I think it’s so important to have kids help in the holiday cooking preparations, not just because it teaches them much-needed life skills, but it allows us to make a lot of fun memories.
Whether we are cooking our homemade mashed potatoes, chocolate pie or even something simple like corn on the cob, I love the moments when my daughter and I (and my sons when they want to help) just spend time together in the kitchen making dishes to share with the ones we love.
While we indulge over the holidays, it’s still important that we do love to try to keep it healthy overall (the pies are our splurge…but hey they are homemade). We love using fresh foods like corn on the cob, real potatoes (not the powder stuff), and fresh cranberries for our dishes. Because they are from the produce section and not the canned section we know exactly what we put into each of the dishes. No preservatives, no strange chemicals, just wholesome food to enjoy as a family. The peace of mind, of knowing what I am serving my children, is just one of the many things I have to be thankful for.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I sit back and think about how truly lucky my family is. We have a roof over our head and food to eat. Unfortunately not every family is in the same boat we are, which is where 4-H comes in!
There are almost 16 million children who are food insecure, meaning they don’t have a constant source of food through the year. That is so heartbreaking! The 4-H Food Smart Families program is helping families gain knowledge on how to make healthy living a part of their everyday life through cooking skills and food budgeting skills so they can bring more food that is nutritious into their homes. The 4-H Food Smart Families program focuses on families eligible for SNAP or WIC so they can plan, shop and prepare meals on the budget they have.
Check out this infographic about how 4-H Food Smart Families works:
With the holiday season here and with family and friends gathering to enjoy each other over good food, let’s make sure we remember that not everyone has it so good. If you have a 4-H Food Smart Families program in your area, see how you can help.
Doesn’t every child, every family, and every person deserve to have dinner with loved ones during the holidays? Let’s take the steps we can to help make that happen!
If you’d like more about the 4-H Food Smart Families program and how you can help, find them on the 4-H website as well as social media: Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * YouTube
Toni Patton
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