
It’s Official…I Have A Teenager!

You see that handsom dude that’s standing to my right (when looking at the computer)?  That’s my oldest son and yesterday he turned THIRTEEN!!!  Which means I am now the mom of a TEENAGER!  Where in the world did time go to?

It seems like just yesterday he was born and I was holding him in one arm, now he is entering into some of the most influential years of his life.  I am so thankful that God chose this precious boy to be my son.  I pray that as he goes into the teen years, God will really take a hold of his heart and life.  I hope he and I can have the open relationship that my mom had.

Happy Birthday (yesterday) Gabriel!!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Aww happy birthday!! 🙂

  2. 2

    Happy birthday to your teen!!

  3. 3

    Awww, Happy Birthday!

  4. 4

    Happy Birthday to your teenager!

  5. 5

    YAY! A milestone birthday! I will have a teenager next August! Yikes!

  6. 6

    Happy birthday!!! Can’t imagine when my boys reach that milestone I already feel like time us flying

  7. 7

    Congrats! and I feel your pain all at the same time LOL. My oldest is 15 and trust me he knows it ALL!!

  8. 8

    WOW, he deserves a grand birthday. He’s at a pivotal age, keep his friends really close for now on, so you know if there is unhealthy peer influence. Wish my husband would have listened to me about my step-son. He had the wrong friends, believe me, very wrong friends back then.

  9. 9

    Happy birthday to your son , Kids grow up so quickly

  10. 10

    Happy Birthday to your not so little man!! The years go too quickly!!

  11. 11

    Happy Birthday and the years do seem to fly by.

  12. 12

    Happy Birthday!

  13. 13

    So awesome! Congrats and Happy Birthday!
