I was beyond excited when I was still living in Arkansas and working at Walmart and Mike Huckabee came there for a book signing. I had the chance to meet him and he is such a kind person.
It’s no surprise to those who know me, that I am an outright conservative republican. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it. I am almost as far right as you can get to put it bluntly. I, of course, as always am dreading election year coming up because sides get bitter and hostile. I tend to go into my hidey hole around election time until someone says just enough to rub me the wrong way then I tend to miss an “insert foot into mouth” moment.
However this is not about who you are voting for or not voting for, today I want to say why I admire Mike Huckabee. I am sad that he will not be running for the 2012 presidency but was in awe when he used his platform to share why. As all signs pointed that he should run, he has chosen not to. And the reason he has chosen not to is (in his words), the part in bold seriously made me tear up:
“I’m a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ, and that relationship is far more important to me than any political office. For me, the discussion and decision is ultimately not a political one, it’s not a financial one, it’s not even a practical one: It’s a spiritual one,” he said, going on to talk about the support he got from his family and voters.
“… Only when I was alone, in quiet and reflective moments, did I have not only clarity but an inexplicable inner peace, a peace that exceeds human understanding. All the factors say “go,” but my heart says “no,” and that’s the decision that I have made.”
I support his decision, even though it saddens me he will not be running. I love that he is following God and the path he has prayed and believes God wants him to take. This just amazes me. This man is definitely not in it for self, his life is serving and following God first and that to me speaks volumes.
Had he run, I will say he (unless he changed his views completely) would have had my vote. Though he won’t have my vote, due to no power in my hands, he does have my respect! Thank you Mike Huckabee for being true to who you are in God and following his will not your own. That to me speaks volumes!
For those interested in seeing the video of him announcing his decision not to run you can watch it here.
Toni Patton
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I am also a conservative Christian but I am very glad he is not running. I receive emails from many conservative sites and I see he is too much of a progressive.
I heart Governor Huckabee, too! In 2010 we were very fortunate to be invited to tour Israel with a group led by him and his family. We found him to be deeply spiritual, honest, and straight forward. He led services for us a couple of places and listening to him speak about Christ and his faith was amazing. He holds strong beliefs and can be counted on to be consistent and truthful in his statements. I was disappointed, too, that he has decided not to run. But I know he’s done what he believes God is calling him to do and I know he’ll put his support behind whomever he believes will lead our country in the right direction!