
Husbandless and alone with kids for 90 (or more) hours straight

I am thinking these will be my new best friends come Sunday midnight, let me introduce to Ms. Dai Quiri

and Mr. Xan Ax

You see my husband left today to go on a hunting excursion leaving me with all 3 kids until sometime in the middle of the night Sunday when he will return home and I am sure he will be hopping to get busy with you know who. Unfortunately for him by that time I will either
A) have committed myself to the mental institution here
B) laugh him out of the bedroom and tell him he must be mistaking me for a sane wife who has not just spent the last — hours straight with our lovely children with absolutely no break whatsoever and has almost jerked every last hair out of her head.

You see when I went on my trip at least I took one of our children with me so instead of having them play triple tag team he only had to deal with doubles and it was even a full day and a half shorter. You see I love my husband that much. Oh and he even really didn’t have to deal with them that much because he went down to his moms and hunted one of the 2.5 days I was gone and she was there the other 1 day.

So now I am stuck her with all 3 of my hellians sweet angels for the next 3 days and 3 nights, with no break, no trips to moms to help me out, no day trip to the spa for a break (spa to me is hunting to him). Are we seeing the inequality here?

So my question to you is what should be his punishment when he returns, tell him he has to get an extra job to buy me the coveted Louis Vuitton bag I have my eye on, a weekend retreat alone to some spa in the California Valley, or he better have me moved back to Florida before January 1st?? What would be your ideal repayment in a situation like this.

Now before I get some rude comment from any crazy psycho out there, please realize I love my husband and I love my kids but at this moment I am feeling I got the lesser end of this bargain. Oh wait that’s right I didn’t make a bargain, I guess that was my first mistake. So here’s to the long weekend ahead of me and if Ii should stop posting it is because my kids are holding me hostage or I really have committed myself to that mental institution.

On the plus side this will be the cheapest we eat for awhile. Hot Dogs and Ramen Noodles for 3 days. Oh yes I will!!!!!

Cheers and get ready for the fun to begin sometime tomorrow with my first giveaway for the Twilight Extravaganza!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    OH NO!! I hope the kids behave!

    Can’t wait!!

  2. 2
    Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy

    OH yes, honey, I understand. My husband goes on business all the time for 3-7 days at a time and when was the last time I left him alone with the kids for even an HOUR? It has been a long time, let me tell you.

    So I hope you survive and keep us updated on your status. I wished I live closer cause I would come over with my kids and we could drink and let the kids raise hell and we wouldn’t care cause we would be having a blast!

    Good luck!

  3. 3

    Yea, my darling husband is leaving Sunday for one whole f&*king week of hunting! One week! When will I get a week free? NEVER! Do I sound bitter? lolol

  4. 4

    Good luck Toni! I am not good at being home alone with my ONE child for the weekend. It’s not so much the child as it is me, I just get freaked about not having my man in the house to protect us.

  5. 5

    oh man I feel your pain…though I don’t have three kids, but I do have two kids and a puppy!

    You have an award on my blog!

  6. 6

    I added your Twilight button. I have never read the books but I love the genre. Looking forward to your giveaways! 🙂

  7. 7

    haha! Well you can chat it up with me, we’ll have a blast!

  8. 8

    Good luck! I’m sure the kids will all be considerate enough to be little angels though.

  9. 9


    My hubby is doing the same to me, only he leaves tomorrow.

    Something about AR boys.

  10. 10

    My husband left for Oklahoma this past Sunday for work and won’t be home until after Thanksgiving. It’s only been day 6 days and my 3 kids are driving me nuts!!! Last night when I was on the phone with him I told him he owes me BIG time when he gets home. I might take a weekend to myself and go away somewhere!!!!

  11. 11

    I’m scared to death my husband is gonna take a job where he is only home on weekends. The new bedtime will be 6pm or I will lose every bit of my mind.
    Take the Xanex – works wonders. Twitter your weekend!

  12. 12

    Yeah, have you ever met my good friend? Marge Urita?
