
Hungry Eyes Video Montage: I Love You Babe

LoveWhen I say I hit the jackpot where husbands are concerned it is definitely an understatement.  Coming up on our 7th year of marriage I could not ask for a better person to spend my life with.  I dated losers through high school, dated abusers, married someone who was into drugs.  All in all I did not have the best track record on picking men.  The only thing I can say was God intervened and brought Brent into my life…I had to move all the way to Arkansas to find him.

Life would have been much easier if he had been in Florida with me and I dated him in high school and after but you live and learn right.  He is the biggest blessing along with my kids and I hope every single day he knows that. Our marriage hasn’t been without some VERY hard times and situations but we weathered it all and because of that we are stronger and I am more in love with him every passing day. When I am down he can make me laugh and when I need to be comforted he holds me.

He and I have 3 beautiful children together and he is a wonderful father and that is one of the things I love most about him. He does everything he can to provide for our family and puts up with me. Trust me that is a big feat in and of itself LOL. Anyways I wanted to make a picture video of him and just share with my readers how much I love this man.

Handsome, Kind, Caring, Loving, Forgiving, Wonderful father, Best Friend, are just a few of the things I could say to describe my wonderful husband. If I listed every single thing I love about him I would go on forever. I am truly blessed to call him mine.  I can’t wait for the memories we still have yet to experience.   I love you babe!

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    This is such a nice post. I am lucky too, in finding a great husband, and like you am very thankful for him. Kudos for offering hubby props!!

  2. 3

    Happy Anniversary to you both!! Such a sweet video Toni!! *hugs*

    • 4

      It’s not really our anniversary yet, we were together 7 years in September but our 7th wedding anniversary is Feb 15 🙂

  3. 5

    it is so great to see happy married people in this day and age. I too have an amazing husband who l am going to be married to for 37 years this December 23rd. he has given me 2 amazing children and l would not swap him for anything. Happy Anniversary my friend and enjoy the rest of your life togetherxx lynda
    .-= lynda howells´s last blog ..Bullying =-.

  4. 6

    Awwwww this was SO sweet Toni! I know you love your hubster!!

  5. 8

    This post is really sweet! I’m a lucky one that has an amazing husband too!
    .-= Shandal´s last blog ..Ten things you’ll never see me do =-.

  6. 9

    Mother like daughter what can I say, we both got hunka hunka buring love in our lives with our husbands. But you know we are so great what else should we expect. love mom

  7. 10

    LOVE this song! What a wonderful idea! I don’t think i have thagt many pics of my hubby, although maybe I do, I would have to check. LOVE it! Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= Cluttered Brain´s last blog ..Come get your sticky note addiction groove on… =-.

  8. 11

    Happy Anniversary to the both of you!
    .-= Stephaine @ Geezees´s last blog thankful , so many things…. what are you thankful for? =-.

  9. 12

    Toni, you are beautiful! I loved that you made this for your hubby! So adorable and you two are totally the cutest couple! have a great Thanksgiving!
    .-= Jenn´s last blog ..Post it note Tuesday~ 11/24 =-.

  10. 13

    How sweet! Experiencing those frogs helps us to adore our princes even more! Congrats on your wonderful relationship.
    .-= Aubien´s last blog ..Quick update … =-.

  11. 14
    Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom

    Oh that is the sweetest thing! You definitely have a keeper there!
    .-= Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom´s last blog ..Link em’ Up Thursday – Giveaway Linky for 11-26-09 =-.

  12. 15

    Awwwwww! What a wonderful montage to your hubby, Toni! You two are so cute together! 🙂
    .-= Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)´s last blog ..Quotable Sunday – First Day of Advent: Hope =-.

  13. 16

    Sweet post! Congrats 😀
    .-= Serendipity is Sweet´s last blog ..Quotable Sunday =-.

  14. 17
    Sara Elizabeth Bonds

    Sweet! I bet he’ll love this video when he sees it.

    Isn’t it awesome having a great man!? I am thankful everyday for mine too. 🙂
    .-= Sara Elizabeth Bonds @ The OmniCouple´s last blog ..Award: Lemonade Award =-.

  15. 18

    Beautiful vid- How did you do that? One of the many things I would “fail” at but would love to do for my hubby and my kids!

  16. 19

    Toni, you know a LOT of us think it but YOU really put it out there. What I see is that he is truly HAPPY being all the things you said he is…you are a very lucky couple. I was married to a Schmuck and got outa’ Dodge on THAT one! My husband and I have 3 beautiful and loving, caring funny kids together. My husband is my “Seinfeld” ,my helper, my love. He “tries” me at times and I, him…we have weathered much together too. THANKS for sharing. If we all put ourselves OUT there like that, complimenting instead of complaining…lI think life would be so much different for our society.
