In life everything isn’t going to be all roses and daisies. Meaning it’s not going to be pretty, fun, easy all the time. There are times your faith is going to be tested beyond what you ever felt like you could endure, at least that is the way it seems to be with me.
With our move to Florida we knew we were called to be down here, to help build the church and walk in the plan God has for us. Â When you are walking with God and in line with what He wants you would think everything would just fall into place right? Â In the end it does but that doesn’t mean you won’t go through trying times and tests of faith.
When we found the house that was supposed to be ours I had such a peace but the road to getting it was not easy in the least. Â It started smooth but then one thing after another seemed to happen on the end of the bank. Â They forgot they needed this, overlooked that paper, forgot to tell us to sign this. Â Small stuff, but just enough stuff to get me annoyed and frustrated because it seemed like everything was trying to come against us getting into this house that we were going to use to Glorify God.
Whether it’s through having youth group here (I am one of the youth leaders), having a women’s fellowship, a wedding reception, we are using this home to do what God wants and to glorify Him. Â During the buying of the house there were times I would just have to cry and pray or scream and pray because to my eye everything was going against us but in my heart I was at peace because I knew this was our home.
Praying through the process we finally closed on our home  (October 26) and are using it for the above mentioned.  We want to use our home to serve God, it’s not just a place for us to live in.  It’s a place for us to use for His kingdom.  One hurdle over but I know in my heart this was not the first and will not be the last.  Case in point God is stretching me to limits I never knew I could endure right now.
I don’t know how we are going to be provided for or how our bills will be paid because right after we closed on our house my husbands job let him go. Â Talk about a shock of all shocks. Â Ummmm God we are doing what you have called us to do and I know you didn’t let everything work out for us to get the home just to turn around and let us lose it. Â That’s not the way you work homie .
*Yes, these are conversations I have with God throughout my day. Â Yes I talk to Him just as if He were physically standing right there, maybe not out loud all the time I could already see the people thinking I lost my mind carrying on a conversation and not seeing the other person LOL.
The unknown is one of the scariest things I can go through especially when it involves the care (meaning home, food, water, bills paid) of my family. Â Having faith is probably one of the hardest things right now but that’s all I can do. Â Have faith, trust God, pray and praise Him no matter what.
Sure I cry, sure I get angry but that is okay those are emotions and if I didn’t let them out I would explode, but when I cry I pray, when I get angry I pray. Â When I get anxious I pray. In other words I am praying A LOT lately.
I haven’t put all this out there yet because I wasn’t sure if I wanted people to know but you know what, I want people to know my journey and that my life isn’t grand all the time. Â In the end I am going to have such an amazing testimony because even though I don’t know where our finances are coming from or how we will be provided for I know we will be. Â God is so faithful and though hard times (harder than I have ever experienced right now) come I am not going to stop thanking Him for what he has done and is doing.
This time in my life is definitely a time of faith stretching. Â It’s scary and unknown two of the things I hate the most, I AM SCARED! Â And a side note, it’s okay to admit to God you are scared because by admitting to him you are scared, angry, hurt, whatever the feeling is, THAT is when he begins to heal your heart and bring the comfort you need.
But God is my Rock, my ever present help in times of trouble and I know that He will not desert my family and I, He is faithful to provide even when I don’t know how that provision is coming. Â So my readers I would appreciate any extra prayers you have, because it never hurts to have people agreeing with you in prayer. Â I am trusting God that a door will open VERY SOON and my husband will have the job God has for him, because there is never a door shut without another one there to open.
Philippians 4:6-7 Â “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Â And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”
Toni Patton
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Thanks for sharing your heart, your struggles. Now we can ALL pray and be specific!!
God Bless you and your family!!
Thanks friend 🙂
That is my favorite bible verse. I will pray for you and your family. ((Hugs))
THank you very much Linda!
I am praying for you and your family! I know something will always work out! I remember when we are going through a hard time, it is those times that God is bending me more to him. Then magically, out of nowhere, we are provided for! It’s such an amazing thing to witness!
You are so right, it’s times just like this I draw even closer to him. Thank you for your prayers Gena 🙂
You’re talking to God like I am. I talk to him all the time like he’s right beside me physically. Yet, I don’t talk outloud to him when people are around either. I used to hear from him often too, but not as often now. That’s probably because two different times when he told me to do something right there and then, no waiting, I didn’t, and well good things didn’t happen because I didn’t obey.
So, I think he’s taking it slower with me, because I need to prove to him that I will obey when he tells me to do something.
I also think it’s okay to cry and tell him you’re upset or frightened.
No where have I ever found in the Bible where it says God Helps Those Who Help Themselves. There are many instances though where people who believed in God and that he would take care of their needs that God did, e.g. Daniel in the Lions Den. He even provided Ruth and Naomi’s food through a kinsman redeemer allowing gleening of the land.
So I know it’s hard for you right now, but God must have had a plan for you to put you where you are at.
I’ll pray that you’ll have the funds provided by God. If that means the funds needed come via a job he provides your family with or by other means. I know that there is power in prayer and more power when many pray in agreement over a thing.
I pray in agreement with you that all your needs are provided for by God’s plan.
God Bless.
Thank you so much Lauralee. And I fully trust God has a plan and know somehow everything will work out 🙂 Your prayers are very very appreciated :O)
I’m so sorry Toni! That seriously sucks! I’m thinking about you guys and hoping that things start to look up. I’m here if you need to vent. 🙂
THanks Miranda! I miss you girl!!
Oh gosh Toni.. so sorry. I will send my prayers your way. May God give you Peace and enjoy the season.
THanks so much Shannon, I sincerely appreciate them.
I’m sorry you are going through so much right now – I wish it were a happy time for you, since you made the move you’ve wanted for so long. I think 2011 is going to be a wonderful year for you. Hang in there okay? Love you sweetie.
Aww Speedy! I am praying 2011 brings so much for myself and so many others. Thank you sweetie for your good thoughts.
II Corinthians 9:8 is one of the verses that brings me comfort during difficult times! I am praying for you and sending love and hugs your way from West Virginia! Let me know if you need anything! Love ya!
You are an amazing woman of faith!!! Praying right now…