
A funny Thing Fate/Life Is and Prayers Needed Please.

So I get an email from a lady saying she came across my blog while searching for the NKOTB song line up for their concert.  This was nothing out of the ordinary as I often have fellow NKOTB freaks fans contact me when coming across my blog.  So she and I started conversating and it goes as follows:

Her:  “I just wanted to let you know I came across your blog while searching for NKOTB song line up and I feel connected to you.  We both love NKOTB, Jon is our favorite and we were both at the Dallas Show.  I was in front row there (I am at this point green with envy).  I noticed you are going to the Tulsa concert as well and one of my friends and I are in the same section (F3) as you are.  Are you going on the Cruise?”

Me: “No unfortunately I am not going on the cruise it was a bit too costly for me but I wish I were.  How funny that we were both at Dallas and are in the same section at Tulsa.  You can see my picture so if you see me you will know who I am.  This is crazy.”

Her: “Yeah if I would have thought about it I wouldn’t have put the cruise on the credit card but I am excited to be going (I am ready to jump through the email and steal her identity at this point, hmmm wonder if she can stow me away).  Yeah me and 3 of my girlfriends are going two of us are in F3 and the other two in F7.”

Me:  “This is so ironic.  Yeah I am already planning to map out how to get to the piano when I get there.  Well obviously we will see each other at some point I just won’t know who you are”

Her:  “Well we are in seats K13 and K14, so maybe we will be sitting near each other”

At this point I seriously about choked on my drink.  Why You ask?????  I AM IN SEAT K12!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Holy crap I am going to be sitting right next to this girl who I have more than likely crossed paths with before, this is the strangest thing that has ever happened to me.  So I emailed her back pretty much freaking out like I did in the post just now.  So in my opinion obviously our paths are supposed to cross for some reason either that or this is seriously just a freak incident.  Oh and she is from Oklahoma, I would really haved been weirded out if she lived around here.  

So girl that I have never met that I will be sitting next to at the NKOTB concert I look forward to meeting you!

Now onto some seriousness:

I must once again ask for prayers for my grandfather, he too has had cancer found so along with my mother and my aunt please keep my grandfather in your prayers.  I am freaking out I mean really what the heck is going on it’s like all of the sudden cancer is popping up in everyone I love.  I will admit I question God quite often asking why is this happening but then I just pray that he will heal them all and make them cancer free. Thanks so much for your continuing prayers for my family  I really appreciate it. 


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, Toni…he is in my prayers…

  2. 2


    You and your family have my prayers for radiant health and cancer free bodies!
    If there is anything more I can do just hollar!!

    As for NKOTB! Have an amazing time, what fun, don’t you love when lives intersect like that?

  3. 3

    how bizarre! (is that how you spell bizarre? no, it’s bizzare. nope, bizare? dammit!)

  4. 4

    Have fun at the concert, that’s so funny!

    I’m sorry that your family is having such a rough time right now. I lost my grandmother 10 years ago to cancer and it was such a hard time for all of us. I hope and pray that you don’t endure that and everyone comes through okay.

  5. 5

    Have fun at the concert, that’s so funny!

    I’m sorry that your family is having such a rough time right now. I lost my grandmother 10 years ago to cancer and it was such a hard time for all of us. I hope and pray that you don’t endure that and everyone comes through okay.

  6. 6

    Toni… first of all… totally freaked out by the whole NKOTB thing… thats just plain strange… But wanted to let you know that I too have a family rittled with Cancer and will be praying for your family.. it is a terrible disease and you and your family deserve all the prayers we can send your way. I have been following your blog from the first day I started blogging and I feel like I know you. Thoughts and prayers your way! (((HUGS)))

  7. 7

    I too love NKOTB. Have since I was little. I remember in high school still listening to them and Debbie Gibson. I even watched all of their VHS tapes from concerts. That is so cool that you will be sitting next to that lady.

    Now then, you have my prayers. I have an Aunt with cancer. She has a type of cancer they can do nothing about. It’s in her pancreas and has spread. I will add all of your family to my prayer list.

  8. 8

    I will keep your entire family in my thoughts. I have been so shocked to hear of cancer news everywhere I turn as of late.

    As for your NKOTB friend, that’s awesome 🙂 Have fun!

    (I am in shock over the picture – is that really them!? They look so.. grown lol)

  9. 9

    I’ll be sending positive vibes your family’s way.

    And very cool about the woman. The world is really so small.

  10. 10

    okay thats totally freaky about the concert!! Things always happen like that…just meant to be.

    I am definitely keeping your family in my prayers. Keep smiling!!

  11. 11

    That is totally cool! How fun will that be?!

    Thinking of your Grandfather. 🙂

  12. 12

    So sorry about Grandpa… prayers forthcoming..

    I have a friend that emails me daily about the NKOTBcruise she is going on out of Los Angeles… is that the same one K13 will be on?

    That was waaayyyyy cool!

  13. 13

    Prayers are being said for you and your loved ones.
    As for the concert…that is so friggin weird and cool at the same time!!!

  14. 14

    That’s pretty crazy about the NKOTB concert–and I’m sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family

  15. 15
    Amy A.K.A. "The Mrs."

    I’ll continue to pray for your family. Keep your chin up.
    Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help out.


  16. 16

    WOAH! That is just crazy about the concert. WOW!!

    I am praying for you and your family ((hugs)).


  17. 17
    Stacy (the Random Cool Chick)

    How COOL about the NKOTB concert! 🙂

    Awww, sorry to hear about your grandfather…you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! ((HUGZ!))

  18. 18

    OMG, I am in your blog. I feel famous now. Yes I am the girl sitting next to her at the Tulsa show. I am so excited to meet you. NKOTB and God works in mysterious ways.

    I will keep your family in my prayers as well.
