Thursday was my last final for my first semester at college and I can’t even begin to describe the huge sigh of relief I gave as I walked out of the classroom. This semester has been a bit (okay more than a bit, try huge) of an adjustment. Trying to balance home life, kids sports, coaching cheer, blog life and college felt like I was teetering on a very shaky see-saw hanging over the side of a rocky cliff. I wasn’t sure if I would ever find the balance that would keep me safe AKA sane. However, I made it through it.
This semester I took four classes that included: English Comp 1 (if you ever take this class at PSC pick Professor Underwood…he is AMAZING), Developmental Math 2 (this was uncredited because math and I are not the best of friends, so before I could take a credited class we had to get reacquainted), Intro To Technology for Educators (I finally learned powerpoint), and Childhood Development (this class almost had me wanting to go the psychology or something to do with brains route). I really liked all my teachers and learned so much this semester.
Here are some things I learned this semester:
- I doubted my abilities and worried I wouldn’t do well in college. I realized I underestimate myself quite a lot and need to believe in myself, because I can do this! I ended the semester with 3 A’s and 1 B.
- I struggled to find a balance that didn’t leave me stressed. I don’t know that I ever found that balance, but I got through the semester!
- Never do a research paper on bullying, if you don’t like to cry. The last (and biggest) paper we did in English Comp, was on a topic of our choosing. We chose a topic that was important to us and because bullying is so prevalent and impacts lives on a daily basis, it’s the topic I picked. I have never cried so much when researching a topic. Reading the stories of kids being bullied, kids who committed suicide because of bullying, kids who turned to violence after being bullied, it was all so heartbreaking.
- I learned that math and I still do not work well together. Yes, I ended up with a B, but it did not come easy and I spent many nights throwing paper off the table or yelling at the problems because it took me ten (or more) tries to figure out how to work it out. I am resigned to the fact that math is a subject I will never truly get but that’s okay because I don’t’ want to teach higher grade math. I want to teach kindergarten or middle school English so I’ll do my best, but not stress if I don’t get an A in math.
- Powerpoint did not need to be as intimidating as I made it out to be, in my head. Our final for Intro To Tech was to create a Jeopardy game in PowerPoint and I did it. It didn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, but I figure I can get much more creative now that I am not scared of PowerPoint.
- Childhood Development is a class I think anyone who wants to deal with kids (whether as a parent or teacher) should take. It was such an interesting class and to learn about behaviors, stages kids/teens go through, etc. was so eye-opening. It had me going “OHHHHH so that’s why my child does this.” Truly a class worth taking!
The biggest thing I learned, this semester, is that I am capable. I have to believe in myself like so many of my friends and family do. I am prepared for the road ahead and while I know it won’t be easy I am excited to keep along this path to become an educator. I loved being able to sit in with the middle school teachers and observe and getting to see the impact that I, hopefully, one day will have on children myself. To watch the kids have something click or to watch the teacher in action was so exciting. Am I scared? Yes, but it’s because there is so much unknown ahead. I am a planner, but I am realizing that sometimes you can’t plan everything. You just have to take it day by day, do your best and trust in your ability.
Now that my first semester is over I am looking forward to the mental break, but I can’t wait to see what next semester brings, after I regroup!
Toni Patton
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Congrats on finishing your first semester! Enjoy the time off between semesters.