
Eye Can Art: A Childs Creative Side Can Emerge!

Back during the Christmas holidays (yes I am a slacker, well not really, I have just been busy and I wanted to not rush through my post) I had the chance to play with review along with my children one of Eye Can Art’s products. When I say my kids had a blast with this (well and I did too actually) it is an understatement.

A little about Eye Can Art (taken from the site):
Each Eye Can Art kit provides a kid-tested project to delight your child’s imagination, and includes enough materials to experiment.

Developed by professional art educators, Eye Can Art replaces the predictable craft kit with a journey of creative exploration based on the fundamentals of visual learning.

Make dramatic-looking collograph printed images, multiple-layered drawings on melted wax, Japanese-style brush paintings and accordion-style books-in-a-box.

Our Parents’ Choice Award Winning Kits provide high quality, washable, non-toxic art materials; enough to do the projects multiple times. The easy-to-follow instruction booklets provide clear steps to follow, suggest ideas to further explore, and show the work of professional artists who use the same techniques in their own work.

Each kit comes packaged in a reusable, easy-to-carry container. Designed by artists with years of experience helping kids and adults explore together.

We decided to try the Print Making Kit!

Included in the kit was:
Tag board
Glue stick
Printing ink (2 colors)
White and color papers

Since it was around Christmas time my children decided they wanted to make a Christmas tree. So we had all our products laid out and read the instructions. The instructions were very to the point (and for me this is a must as I don’t do well with complicated instructions). We used the tag paper to cut out our designed and then after it was all glued together we impatiently waited for it to dry (we would be me as the kids entertained themselves with the Wii during this time LOL).

Once our design dried coated it with the red paint (that is the color they wanted the tree to be) and then placed it color side down on a piece of the regular paper, then we rinsed got all the red off the roller and coated it with blue for the border. The final outcome was just as cute as can be and is still hanging on our fridge:

Eye Can Art has several other kits you can choose from and you can rest assured that I will be purchasing some in the future even if the kids get tired of them I know I never will. This is definitely a product I would recommend because not only is enjoyable for the children the parents get to have just as much fun and you have an excuse to get a little messy.

Head over to Eye Can Art today and check out the other kits they have and get ready for a fun night of family art projects!


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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Very cool, Toni!

  2. 2

    Very cool! My nieces and nephews wold love these. Thanks for the review.

  3. 3

    Hey, that’s awesome!!
