
Beachin It: Priceless

I know this lack of posting today disappoints my wonderfully faithful readers! I really do apologize and it won’t be much better (unless I motivate myself to go schedule some posts tomorrow, hmm yeah don’t hold your breath) until after I get back from vacation.

You see I am one of those people who makes the list of everything she has to do before leaving and waits until absolute last minute to do it. All day yesterday I was cleaning like a mad woman, now I am left with about 10 loads of laundry, a van that needs vaccuuming, a car dvd player that needs to be installed (that I just went and bought today).

Aha momemnt: I know shame on me for letting them watch t.v. but when you are on a 12 hour car ride with 3 children 8 and under there are only so many times you can sing the same song or play the abc tag game before you are ready to poke yourself in the eye with a hot poker, so yes I did it I got the dvd player.

I also had to go find a cord to charge my video camera with b/c it has been sitting and collecting dust for 2 years, so I guess the cord really could have grown legs and walked off. Well guess what….they don’t make this cord anymore and I can’t find it anywhere, so I got to buy a new camcorder as well. Yes I live in the stone age when something works (well not cell phones those I always have to have the latest) I keep it until it breaks into a million little pieces from the use and abuse I put it through.

As if 500.00 (before leaving and gas) isn’t already enough then I remembered that I had to sign the kids up for soccer because it ends while we are gone and tomorrow i really have to finish up the house so we rush over there and do that and that is a nice 100.00. So let’s see…

Kids Soccer fees: 100.00
Necessities for memories and sanity: 500.00
Gas and Food on the trip: $$$insane amounts of money$$$$
Kickin back with my kc girls all day saturday while my husband gets to chase after the kids AFTER driving all night long: PRICELESS

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Hi! I'm Toni. I am a happily married, christian, momma of 3 living on Florida's sunny Gulf Coast. I am a lifestyle blogger and Seint Arist. I started blogging when my last child was born as a way to share my love of all things travel, cooking, beauty, recipes, and more. Now pull up a chair, grab a glass of sweet tea and let's get to know each other. I truly hope you enjoy getting A Daily Dose of Toni!


  1. 1

    Love it Priceless!!!

  2. 2

    glad to know there are other successful procrastinators out there. you’re rockin’ it.

  3. 3

    Portable dvd players are a godsend! There’s no way I’d attempt a 2 hr trip without one, let alone a 12 hour trip:)

  4. 4

    Hope you have a great vacation, I need a vacation. Sitting with my feet up, in the sun, with a fun girly drink on the beach sounds like heaven. Try and do one for me, please.
