So once again it is time for KC American Idol, yes we can put the contestants on the actual show to shame! Okay so maybe that is a tad bit stretching the truth! Well we can put them to shame in our minds anyways. So all the mommies that want to participate put up the video and then everyone on the board votes and the lowest number of votes is out of the next round. Well as you can imagine this being a board full of mommies it becomes quite comical, I only wish you could see the other videos, mine were not the most creative but I had fun anyways.
The first round was a song from your birth year, we are trying to stick to the actual America Idol schedule, not the songs but the theme. So first round I had to go with something from 1979, and I picked I will survive, enjoy!
The round we voted on today was Dolly Parton songs, now I love that little lady she is something else and I thought I would have no problem picking a song but man it was harder than I though, so I was searching and almost went with 9 to 5 but then came across one that was perfect for the time of the month I was having when we had to tape the video…it is called PMS Blues. So without further adu here I am to make a fool of myself again LOL.
Toni Patton
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